Santesson, Fungi Lichenicoli Exs. [Uppsala]
Rolf Santesson [1-400]
IndExs #366722583

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Catalog #: WIS-L-0122373
J. Hafellner #49095 24 March 1994
Vouauxiomyces truncatus (B. de Lesd.) Dyko & D. Hawksw.
Austria, Styria, Steiermark Prov., Oststeirisches Hugelland, c. 5 km NW of Feldbach on the ridge between Edelsbach and Wetzeldorf

Lichen Herbarium of the Museum of Evolution, Uppsala University
Catalog #: L-108033
J. Hafellner & B. Wieser #49095 24 March 1994
Vouauxiomyces truncatus (B. de Lesd.) Dyko & D.Hawksw.
Austria, Steiermark, Oststeirisches Hügelland, c. 5 km NW of Feldbach on the ridge between Edelsbach and Wetzeldorf